Friday, August 21, 2009

Another day...

...another bunch of comics. We finished inventory on the comics for the auction yesterday, and today we began to lay out some further plans for the auction, including possible locations.

So far, the best candidate seems to be the Ameristar casino in St. Charles - but there's nothing written in stone yet. Its a nice place though, and I would be lying if I said I wouldn't like to hold the auction there. However, the costs have to be figured in, and we need to run comparisons between various possible locations before we agree to anything. Aside from that, we've got a real estate auction tomorrow for a house in Rockhill, MO, near Manchester Blvd. The house is the one pictured above.

Alright, business talk aside, personal talk begins. I think I'm going to try my hand at assembling a bassinet today. Or maybe not, but it's gonna have to happen soon. I've been trying to get all the baby stuff - the stroller, the car seat, the crib, etc. assembled at the rate of one every other day or so, but it's been a looooong week. I think there is still one shower left to go (Lisa somehow managed to end with like, four separate baby showers), and I'm running out of room in my house. It's a good thing that children are so small when they are born, or there wouldn't be any room left in here for Julia when she shows up. I've got to clear some of this stuff out.

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