Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hello World

...And to begin with, a stupid old programmer's joke that I've shamelessly stolen from my father.

Hi. This is a trial run for, well, this.

I'm Rob. My facebook page is here if you don't already know me, and want to know more about me, that is a good place to start.

This blog is being set up as a complementary piece for my soon (I hope) to be launched website for my company, Lotus Marketing LLC. It is a side project for me, as I'm already gainfully employed (and overworked as it is) at my regular full time job as Marketing Director for Mound City Collectibles & Auctions LLC. A link to their site can be found here, and their Auctionzip page is here. So if you find yourself needing some fine home furnishings, household goods, collectibles, antiques, vehicles, real estate, restaurant equipment, or pretty much anything else you can think of, we've either already sold it, or we will be soon. You would be doing yourself a disservice to not check the Mound City Auctions site frequently.

Alright, spiel aside, new spiel ahead - the Lotus Marketing website will be up soon - exactly how soon is something I can't promise - mainly because of the workload from Mound City and the fact that my wife is 9 months pregnant. So, yeah, I'm kind of retarded for trying to get a website off the ground, run my normal workload at my main job, have a kid, and still try to maintain sanity and a social life. Go me.

Oh...before I forget - this blog will not be strictly advertising or work related, so if I come across like I'm selling something ALL THE TIME - well, deal with it, that's sort of how I come across in the real world. I usually am.

p.s. If you somehow stumbled across this page due to your affection for either freestyle rap, lotus automobiles, lotus flowers, lotus yoga, freestyle ssx snowboarding games, or any number of other things I haven't bothered googling that have nothing to do with what this blog will actually feature, you have my apologies, but I won't be covering those things.

You've been warned.

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